Sunday, 11 December 2016

Being a Teacher

Being a Teacher
(Author: Subramanian M)

“In India 40% of children in Standard 3 cannot recognize numbers till 100.”
“52% of children in Standard 5 cannot read a Standard 2 text”
“76% of students do not make it to higher education system”
“7% of fresh engineers are employable”

The education crisis is a complex puzzle with layers of issues from attendance to teaching quality. Underlying all of these complex layers of failing education systems in the country lays a severe lack of leadership. 

Teaching profession is often referred as “Noble profession”; the researcher had his own doubts, should we still call it a “Noble profession”. By profession it is noble even today, but the researcher views the profession from “Present Day’s Teachers” mentality, agility and overall capability.

Every day we read in news-paper about upcoming new schools, colleges, courses; every now and then we also read about the programs being organised by variety of institutions on innovative/creative teaching-learning pedagogy, conferences are being organised like this to deliberate on teaching methods, psychological issues embedded in teaching-learning principles and so on. Ultimately, where is the quality? Then we should introspect on “What is that lost quality that we are in search for?”

India is a country, which is known for its ‘tolerance’; but we should never be tolerant on essential deliverable(s). We should be vigil, assertive and inquisitive on all those issues. Almost every second educational institute is proudly promoting in all advertisements @ Success in Examination (results) and Placements. Is this what we expect from the young Indians of tomorrow? It is a shame on Indians at logical educational standards.

How does the psychology of education and training will envisage in rejuvenating the mentality; we have been graciously trained to yell everywhere that we need to change the system. 

Let the change begin from you and me, first. 

Cheers | Subramanian M

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