COVID-19: My views / opinion
(Published on 11th April 2020)
(Published on 11th April 2020)
Now its right-time, high-time to rethink, reassess, redefine and redesign the so called "Health Index Scorecard".
Countries which were topping the list started toppling their status; European Union claimed to have the world's best health care policies on card and the best countries/states in terms of longevity and health index were pre-dominantly from EU and USA; but now looking at the fatality rate and infection rates spreading in EU and USA raises the eyebrows of everyone in the world. Now the logical question "Are these countries really 'Potent-Immune' through their schemes, policies, longevity age?" Its a shameful shock to the rating agencies of health care.
Pandemic is a pandemic to all the countries. Now let us start rating health quotient of the countries based on:
- Citizens / people's Immune system to fight Corona like pandemic, deadly spread
- Cultural, traditional value systems @ hygiene factors prevails in that country. Hygiene does not just lie between type / brand of Sanitizer/bathing soaps and our hands.
- Comparatively low fatality rates / infection spread rates.
- Combat plan and execution model.
I wonder how EU and USA claims that they had the world's best health care policies, schemes, longevity, with ZERO IMMUNITY
Irony is that most of the world's high-rated health-care companies hails from these western countries; which used to compete against each other on number of patents, awards and accolades. Now on a novel realisation point for all of us and WHO that how to estimate & project the real-time health care, policy and a rejuvenated "Health Quotient / Index"
- Dr. Subbu
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